Our Team

Walking In Balance Training with Abraham Bearpaw

Walking In Balance Training

With Abraham Bearpaw


Donald Roberts, LAC/BSW

Executive Director

Don is a graduate of the Social Work program at Salish Kootenai College, he is a Licensed Addiction Counselor and has been deeply involved in Montana’s Peer Support movement since 2016.

Don identifies as a person in long-term recovery, and has spent the last decade promoting recovery support across Montana.

Don’s job includes: program development, clinical supervision, clinical support, community networking, grant management, certification management, staff training, and community leadership.

Krystal Orman, BHPSSVice President:Krystal is a a single mother of two boys. After a newspaper article was published spotlighting her bad behavior in 2016, she admitted herself into inpatient treatment, and has been an active member of the recovery …

Krystal Orman, BHPSS, CSKT Tribal Member

Vice President

Krystal is a a single mother of two boys. After a newspaper article was published spotlighting her bad behavior in 2016, she admitted herself into inpatient treatment, and has been an active member of the recovery community since that time.

Krystal states "I wanted to do better for myself, my kids, my family, friends, and community". In April of 2017, there was a peer support training offered in Kalispell, Mt. She attended the class in order to learn more about herself and the disease of addiction. She didn't know at the time that she would end up becoming a Certified Peer Support Specialist. She loves giving back, and working with people new to recovery helps her remember how far she has come. She says, "Its an amazing feeling to be connected to community and something bigger than myself. With hard work and energy anything is possible."

Krystal is a person in long-term recovery

Todd SmithSOS Director:Manages all recovery housing issues. Collects rent, fills beds, provides conflict resolution, makes sure house rules and standards are being followed, leads house meetings, provides transportation to meetings and groups, order…

Juanita Reed, ACLC, BHPSS, Klamath Tribal Member

Recovery Hall Director

Person in long-term recovery

Manages all Recovery Hall operations, organizes events, schedules groups, meetings, and trainings. Lead BHPSS and trains staff in EHR. Provides individual Peer support services daily.

Dessilynn BrownTreasurer:In charge of all financial record keeping, collects all receipts from Directors and enters them into QuickBooks, provides all financial statements at Board meetings, completes annual state and federal tax reports, make sure …

Dessilynn Brown, CSKT Descendent


In charge of all financial record keeping, operates company QuickBooks and payroll, provides all financial statements at Board meetings, completes annual state
and federal tax reports, make sure we follow any grant stipulations in spending.

Person in long-term recovery

Anthony Meyers, CSKT Tribal Member

NARSS President

Recovery Village HUB Director:

Tony is a person in long term recovery with many years experience with the disease of addiction and the process of recovery. .

Manages all HUB operations, organizes events, schedules groups, meetings, and trainings. Oversees community garden project. Offers individual recovery support daily. Currently working on BHPSS certification.

Lisa Brueggeman, CSKT Tribal Member


Keeps NARSS records, Board minutes, collaboration with 20th District Drug Court.

Person in long-term recovery

Cierra Coon

Recovery Coach

Person in Recovery

Provides Recovery Support Services at the Recovery Hall and the Women’s Recovery Residence. Provides Circle of Security parenting classes. Currently working on her BHPSS certification.

Kaele IvanovitchGrant Management Director:In charge of finding new funding, grant writing, grant management, works closely with President in developing funding sources through agencies, get approval from Vice President to pursue funding avenues.Bio …

Steven Morigeau, CSKT Tribal Member

Residential Director

Person in long-term recovery

Manages all residential programs, waiting lists, intakes, and discharges. Currently working on BHPSS certification.

Angela EvansRecovery Hall Director:Angela is a 36 year old, CS&KT first generation descendant, born and raised in the Ronan area. She is a third generation addict, who recently found a 12 Step program of recovery that continues to show her how t…

Shay Ashley, CSKT Descendent

Outreach Director

Person in long-term recovery

Provides outreach services to the community. Manages Residential program compliance. Currently working on BHPSS certification.