Who we are
We are a recovery community organization
We are a community of recovering people who want to share our experience, strength, and hope with individuals seeking recovery from addiction. There are many pathways and styles of recovery. Being part of a recovery community offers individuals a chance to learn about recovery through a variety of sources, and offers them a safe place to learn and grow on their own recovery journey.
We practice peer support
Peer support is the service of one addict helping another addict stay clean and learn about recovery process. Peer support can occur in individual and group settings. When peer supporters work with individuals, they simply share their recovery tools and methodology. They also offer support in the following areas:
We are not a treatment center
Several members of our recovery community are addiction professionals who can help individuals find appropriate levels of treatment when necessary, but our focus is on peer support. We recognize that chronic addiction is a life-long issue that may take several years to put into remission. 30-60 day treatment stays with minimal aftercare programming is not sufficient for many individuals. We seek to address this problem by providing long-term recovery community support.
Our Vision
1. Develop and maintain a community peer support drop-in centers, where community members can learn about and practice addiction recovery skills.
2. Develop and maintain long-term (up to 1-year) recovery residences for adult men and women in recovery.
3. Collaborate with other organizations to help establish a recovery-oriented system of care in the community.
4. Collect and disperse data on the impact this program has in the community.
“The Never Alone Hall has became my strength during my first year in recovery. I am empowered and greatly encouraged within the hall. People here love me and give me hope in myself, my life, my family, my recovery. I have support, my life has changed incredibly and I learned a new way to live, and am passionate about living as an example and be here to give hope to other’s recovery journey.”
Our Programs
We believe that a strong recovery community provides many benefits to society as a whole. We offer immediate and long-term services to those struggling with addiction and homelessness. We are working to grow our organization to increase our impact in Montana.
We operate a community Drop-in Center called the Recovery Hall where we provide individual and group peer support and mutual support meetings.
We operate certified recovery residences for men, women and families. If interested in this program please contact us by email stevenm@narssmontana.org.

Our Impact
Never Alone Recovery Support Services offers an array of recovery specific opportunities to the Lake County community. We are continuing to expand and grow at a steady pace, and help improve the local community one step at a time.
Never Alone Recovery Support Services provides services to:
Average # of individuals utilizing the Drop-in Centers per day
We see an average of around 34 people a day, this includes both group and individual services.
CURRENT Drug Court Program Participants served
We work in collaboration with Cedar Creek Integrated Health, Tribal Healing Court, and the 20th District Adult Drug Court programs to offer Recovery Support Services and life skills in both individual and group settings for all Drug Court participants.
40 beds
Recovery Residence PROGRAM
Houses adult males, adult females, and families in recovery. Residents must be connected to the recovery community and be working an active program of recovery.
Get Involved
There are many ways you can get involved in our organization whether you are interested in volunteering your time, supporting our efforts with a monetary gift, or staying updated on our progress and community improvement projects.
Sponsor a resident
With a monthly gift, you can cover the cost of a resident in our clean living house and give someone a new life.
Contact: droberts@narssmontana.org
Make a Donation
You can make a charitable donation, we are a 501c3 organization, we will send you a receipt that can be used as a write off in tax season.
Contact: droberts@narssmontana.org